About Us

Sewa International is a premier charity non-profit humanitarian organization rooted in Dharmic (righteous) values, dedicated to selflessly serving with compassion to foster positive impacts, focusing on the well-being of both beneficiaries and sponsors. Specializing in disaster relief and rehabilitation management, Sewa International's development programs encompass family services, child, tribal, and refugee welfare, women empowerment, health, and education initiatives.

Sewa Europe proudly operates under the global umbrella of Sewa International.

Officially registered in Finland, Germany, and Norway as a nonprofit organization, Sewa Europe is expanding its presence across Europe. With a diverse volunteer base comprising engineers, doctors, entrepreneurs, tech professionals, and others from all walks of life, the organization is driven by a shared commitment to serving humanity selflessly. This collective strength enables Sewa Europe to undertake significant large-scale projects since its inception. More information about them can be found here.


Why SAC?

Education consistently faces persistent issues such as infrastructure, access, continuity, learning hurdles, and the lack of schools or teachers. Among these challenges, school dropout rates stand out as particularly concerning. According to a survey by the National Statistical Office (NSO) in India, approximately 12.6% students dropout of school, with 19.8% discontinuing education at the secondary level and 17.5% dropping out at the upper primary level.

Financial hardships resulting from the sudden death of a breadwinner, terminal illness of a parent, job loss, or major healthcare expenses in a family can significantly increase the risk of children dropping out of school.

Sponsor a Child, a program administered by Sewa International, addresses this issue by providing financial support to children to complete their school education. The sponsorship program targets students from class 1 to 12 who are unable to afford the cost of education due to personal or family crises, or other financial difficulties, placing them at risk of dropping out of school.

Since the inception of the worldwide SAC initiative, it has provided support to over 10,000 children, making a significant impact in ensuring access to education for those in need.

Guiding Principles

  • Apply integral model of development - physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual
  • Respect and harness the traditional knowledge, experience, and civilizational wisdom
    of the community that is being served
  • Adopt an empowering approach rather than a welfare approach, leading to the beneficiary becoming a benefactor
  • Promote a culture of excellence, innovation, continuous learning, and evolution

Our Values

Sewa Europe strongly believes and abides by the following values for its operations.

  • शुचिता (śucitā) - Purity of thought,word, and deed
  • सत्यनिष्ठा (satyaniṣṭhā) - Integrity
  • सहयोग (sahayog) - Collaborative spirit
  • संवेदना (saṃvedanā) - Compassion
  • समर्पण (samarpaṇ)- Dedication
  • समावेशिता (samāveśitā) - Inclusivity

Our Vision

A harmonious and happy world where humanity experiences oneness through sewa.

Our Mission

  • To promote selfless efforts for the well-being of all
  • To create thought and action frameworks based on the principles of sewa
  • To build a worldwide network of dharma-base sewa organisations, for the collective
    expression of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam


Sewa USA



Sewa International Bharat


Our Team




SAC Volunteers Excecutive Committee